Ashley Homestead (Syracuse Nebraska)
Ashley Syracuse Nebraska Homestead
Dexter David Ashley
(son of William D. Ashley)
Photo taken 1889
while attending
Nebraska State Normal School
(Teaching College)
Dexter David Ashley's Recollections (28 Dec 1941, Winchester Center, Conn.)
As recorded in the Ashley Genealogy by Francis Bacon Trowbridge - New Haven Published 1896. W.D. Ashley born May 15, 1835. Moved to Nebraska 1867. Homesteaded 160 acres of land 3 3/4 miles from Syracuse Nebraska (25 miles west of Nebraska City of the Missouri River).
This picture [above] well represents the farm from 1880 to 1895 -- Dexter D. Ashley - the only son - well remembers the farm. The herd of young stock steers and cows was generally numbering 25,665 head... remember eleven head of horses young and old... that was more than usual... all work farming and droving & riding made about eight head regular. Hogs of all ages... seldom less than 35 and frequently 65. In fact 65 was nearer the... A car load of steers (18-20) was gathered every year and shipped to Chicago about March. School vacation I remember well in the [years] 1884-90 as I use to consider it a great lark to go with the steers on my vacation. No powers except horse and manpower. I remember many days plowing 3 1/4 acres a day with 15 male persons and 3 horses. Not a store in sight or heard from during weeks -- 30 inch rain usual yearly... sometimes less for a series of years as 87 to 90 & 93-96 -- trees died for want of moisture.